MDZ! Rent a Car office

En el rincón más biodiverso de Mendoza, te espera una experiencia inmersiva en la naturaleza. Te invitamos a descubrir la Reserva Natural Divisadero Largo, un santuario de vida silvestre que te llevará a un mundo de flora y fauna fascinante. En este artículo, exploraremos las maravillas de esta reserva, desde su biodiversidad única hasta las formas en que puedes conectarte con la naturaleza. Y lo mejor de todo, con mdz! Rent a Car, tendrás la libertad de llegar a este rincón natural con facilidad y comodidad.

Interesting Fact about the Place:

La Reserva Natural Divisadero Largo es un oasis verde en medio del paisaje montañoso de Mendoza. Con una gran variedad de ecosistemas, desde montañas hasta ríos, esta reserva es un hogar para una amplia gama de especies de plantas y animales.

Relevant Data

La biodiversidad de la reserva es asombrosa: desde cactus gigantes hasta cóndores majestuosos. Con senderos que te llevan a través de diferentes hábitats, tendrás la oportunidad de observar aves, mamíferos y plantas que llaman hogar a esta región.

Recommendations before visiting

Antes de adentrarte en la Reserva Natural Divisadero Largo, asegúrate de llevar ropa y calzado adecuados para caminar por senderos naturales. Lleva una cámara y binoculares para capturar y apreciar la diversidad de vida silvestre que encontrarás. También lleva agua y algún snack para recargar energías durante tu exploración. ¿Listo para sumergirte en la biodiversidad única de la Reserva Natural Divisadero Largo? No esperes más. Alquila un auto en mdz! Rent a Car y prepárate para descubrir este santuario de vida silvestre en todo su esplendor. Con tu vehículo de alquiler, podrás llegar a esta reserva con facilidad y explorar cada sendero y rincón natural. ¡Reserva ahora y empieza tu aventura en la naturaleza en la Reserva Natural Divisadero Largo!

Prepárate para una aventura única en medio de los majestuosos paisajes montañosos de Mendoza. Te llevamos a Uspallata, un destino que te sumergirá en la belleza de la naturaleza y la emoción de las actividades al aire libre. En este artículo, exploraremos las maravillas de Uspallata, desde su entorno natural hasta las emocionantes aventuras que te esperan. Y lo mejor de todo, con mdz! Rent a Car, tendrás la flexibilidad de un auto de alquiler para explorar cada rincón de este paraíso montañoso con comodidad y estilo.

Interesting Fact about the Place:

Uspallata es un oasis rodeado de montañas impresionantes, lo que lo convierte en un destino favorito para los amantes de la naturaleza y los aventureros. A medida que te adentras en su paisaje, te sentirás como si estuvieras en un mundo aparte, rodeado por la majestuosidad de la Cordillera de los Andes.

Relevant Data

La región de Uspallata ofrece una amplia gama de actividades al aire libre, desde el trekking y el senderismo hasta el rafting y la equitación. Además, el área es rica en historia y cultura, con vestigios de la época colonial que se mezclan con la belleza natural de la región.

Recommendations before visiting

Antes de dirigirte a Uspallata, asegúrate de llevar ropa adecuada para actividades al aire libre, como calzado resistente y ropa cómoda. Si planeas realizar actividades más intensas, como el rafting, asegúrate de llevar el equipo necesario o consultar con los operadores locales. Y no olvides tu cámara para capturar los paisajes impresionantes y las experiencias emocionantes. ¿Listo para vivir una aventura emocionante en medio de la majestuosidad de la Cordillera de los Andes? No esperes más. Alquila un auto en mdz! Rent a Car y prepárate para descubrir Uspallata y todas las emocionantes actividades que ofrece. Con tu vehículo de alquiler, tendrás la libertad de explorar cada rincón de este paraíso montañoso y disfrutar de una experiencia única. ¡Reserva ahora y empieza tu viaje lleno de aventuras en Uspallata!

En medio de los impresionantes paisajes de la provincia de Mendoza, se encuentra una formación natural que parece sacada de un cuento de hadas. Te invitamos a descubrir el Puente del Inca, una maravilla geológica que te dejará sin palabras. Acompáñanos en este artículo mientras exploramos los misterios y la majestuosidad de este lugar icónico. Y lo mejor de todo, con mdz! Rent a Car, tendrás la libertad de llegar a este rincón natural con comodidad y estilo.

Interesting Fact about the Place:

El Puente del Inca es una estructura natural formada por la acción del tiempo y el agua. Ubicado en un entorno montañoso, este puente de piedra natural es un testimonio impresionante de los caprichos de la naturaleza y su habilidad para crear formas sorprendentes.

Relevant Data

La formación del Puente del Inca está compuesta por una serie de minerales y piedras, lo que le da su distintiva tonalidad y textura. Además, cerca del puente se encuentran aguas termales que atraen a visitantes que buscan relajación y bienestar.

Recommendations before visiting

Si tienes pensado visitar el Puente del Inca, lleva ropa y calzado adecuado para caminar por terrenos irregulares. También considera llevar agua y algo para picar, ya que no hay opciones de comida en el lugar. Lleva tu cámara para capturar la belleza única de esta formación natural y su entorno. ¿Listo para maravillarte con una creación natural que parece sacada de un sueño? No esperes más. Alquila un auto en mdz! Rent a Car y prepárate para descubrir el Puente del Inca en todo su esplendor. Con tu vehículo de alquiler, podrás llegar con facilidad a este rincón natural único y apreciar su belleza en persona. ¡Reserva ahora y comienza tu viaje a través de la geología en el Puente del Inca!

Road Trip to Puente del Inca

Get ready for an unforgettable adventure! In this article, I'll take you on a fascinating car journey to Puente del Inca, a magical place located in the province of Mendoza, Argentina. Discover the history of Puente del Inca, the must-see attractions, and how to make this exciting trip a reality by renting a car in Mendoza. Let's begin!


Before delving into the details of this trip, it's important to get a bit of context. Puente del Inca is an impressive natural bridge located in the Andes Mountains in the province of Mendoza, Argentina. This tourist site is famous for its unique beauty and intriguing history.

Puente del Inca

2.1. History

The history of Puente del Inca dates back thousands of years. The native people of the area used this natural bridge as a safe passage over the Las Cuevas River. However, what makes Puente del Inca special is the mineral formations found in its surroundings, primarily composed of sulfur, creating a unique and captivating appearance. mirá este link.

2.2. Attractions

Once you reach Puente del Inca, you'll be amazed by the various attractions this place has to offer. You can explore the surroundings of the bridge, admire the mineral formations, and enjoy the thermal waters in the area. Additionally, there are several nearby hiking routes that allow you to enjoy panoramic views of the mountains.

Car Rental in Mendoza

3.1. Benefits

To make your trip to Puente del Inca a reality, renting a car in Mendoza is the most convenient option. MDZ! Rent a Car office provides you with the freedom to explore at your own pace and access remote places that are not easily reachable by public transportation.

3.2. Rental Process

The car rental process in Mendoza is simple and convenient. You can contact us via Whatsapp to receive guidance and tailor the proposal to your needs and preferences. When picking up the car, you'll be asked to present a valid driver's license and a credit card for the security deposit.

Road Trip to Puente del Inca

4.1. Recommended Route

Let's talk about the recommended route to reach Puente del Inca from Mendoza. The most commonly used route is National Route 7, which takes you through beautiful mountainous landscapes. During the journey, you'll pass through charming towns and have the opportunity to stop at viewpoints to enjoy breathtaking views.

4.2. Preparations

Before embarking on your trip, it's important to make some preparations. Make sure to check the condition of the car, including the tires, brakes, and fuel levels. It's also advisable to bring appropriate clothing for the weather conditions, water, food, and a first aid kit.

4.3. Highlighted Places

During your trip to Puente del Inca, there are several highlighted places you shouldn't miss. One of them is Aconcagua Provincial Park, where you'll find the highest mountain in the Americas, Mount Aconcagua. You can also visit the town of Las Cuevas, located near the Chilean border, and enjoy its incredible views.

Useful Tips

Here are some useful tips to make your trip even more enjoyable. Make sure to carry an updated map and a GPS device to navigate the roads. Additionally, adhere to speed limits and traffic rules at all times. Always carry extra water and food, as you might encounter long stretches without services.


In conclusion, a road trip to Puente del Inca is a fascinating experience that allows you to explore the natural beauty of the province of Mendoza. By renting a car in Mendoza, you can enjoy the freedom to travel at your own pace and discover amazing places along the way. Don't miss the opportunity to visit Puente del Inca and be amazed by its history and attractions. Don't wait any longer—start planning your road trip to Puente del Inca! Discover the magic of this place and enjoy an unforgettable experience in the beautiful province of Mendoza.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is the best time to visit Puente del Inca?
    • The best time to visit Puente del Inca is during spring and autumn when the weather is moderate and conditions are ideal for outdoor exploration. However, in winter, if the weather is good, you can see snow, and the views are incomparable.
  2. Is it necessary to have car insurance for renting a car in Mendoza?
    • Yes, it is highly recommended to contract car insurance at the time of renting to ensure greater peace of mind during your trip.
  3. How long does it take to get to Puente del Inca from Mendoza by car?
    • How long does it take to get to Puente del Inca from Mendoza by car?**
  4. What are other attractions near Puente del Inca?
    • In addition to Puente del Inca, you can visit Laguna del Diamante Provincial Park, Cerro Aconcagua, Talampaya National Park, and the city of Mendoza, known for its wineries and vineyards.

Don't wait any longer and start planning your road trip to Puente del Inca! Discover the magic of this place and enjoy an unforgettable experience in the beautiful province of Mendoza.

Turismo en Mendoza

If you're thinking of traveling by vehicle, you need to consider several aspects before you set off, such as vehicle equipment, documentation, and other necessary elements.

Vehicle Technical Inspection

With the new road safety law, a technical inspection is now required for both private and commercial vehicles. The inspection takes approximately 25 minutes, and the average cost per vehicle (depending on type and size) is about AR$700.

During the technical inspection, the vehicle must not have more than 5 of what are called "anomalies." If the vehicle has any anomalies, they must be fixed within 30 days. If the car has a serious defect, it is not allowed to travel.

Mandatory Items for Traveling by Vehicle

Fire extinguisher (mandatory)

Set of triangular hazard signs (mandatory)

All necessary tools for changing tires

Reflective safety vest (not mandatory)

Emergency first aid kit (not mandatory)

Tow rope

Documentation for Traveling by Vehicle

National Identity Document (Documento Nacional de Identidad)

Driver's License (Carnet de Conducir)

Proof of vehicle insurance policy covering the travel destination

Vehicle registration papers (Cédula verde/azul)

Valid and undamaged license plates

Vehicle Technical Inspection (RTO or VTV) if required at the destinations

Other Provisions

The number of occupants traveling by vehicle must match the number of seat belts in the car. Children under 10 years old should sit in the rear seats with a safety child seat. Pets should travel in carriers and have certificates of rabies vaccination from a veterinarian.

If you plan to travel by vehicle to neighboring countries, in Uruguay, you need to present the vehicle registration papers (cédula verde). If the vehicle owner is not traveling with the car, the driver must provide a notarized authorization signed by the vehicle owner. If you're heading to Brazil, you need to present the vehicle registration papers (cédula azul) if you're not the owner of the car. In this case, you'll also need a notarized authorization signed by the vehicle owner. If you are the owner, don't forget a copy of the vehicle's title.

Finally, it's recommended that before traveling, you inquire about the required documentation and obligations according to the destination you're heading to, as requirements may vary by city or country.

Alquiler de autos en Mendoza

Traveling solo is one of the best experiences you should have at least once in your life. Why? Because you can go wherever you want, no one will judge you, you set your own pace, make new friends, treat yourself, find yourself, create unforgettable memories, and revolutionize your personal growth. Here are some tips to help you travel solo and make the most of your own experience.

Visit a Doctor

Before traveling, it's advisable to visit a doctor to ensure everything is in order and your body is in optimal condition for the journey. Keep in mind that traveling alone isn't dangerous, but no one will take care of you more than yourself, and your body is your means to reach all those fascinating places.

Pack a First Aid Kit

Take care of your health and pack a first aid kit with essential items for the trip. Research any vaccines that may be required for your chosen destination. For example, travelers to Brazil should take precautions and get vaccinated against yellow fever before departing.
Por ejemplo, los que viajan a Brasil, deben tener la precaución de vacunarse contra la fiebre amarilla antes de partir.

Plan Ahead

Plan your trip and organize your itinerary. The great thing about traveling solo is that you decide 100% of your plans, and your time is all yours. Therefore, it's advisable to book accommodation for two days in case you come across a new and interesting destination during your trip, or you meet wonderful people to spend your days with.

Travel Insurance

Get travel insurance. Having international medical coverage is essential for peace of mind. The phone number provided by the insurance can be a lifeline for immediate assistance.

Manage Your Finances

Manage your cash carefully. Exchange offices typically offer low exchange rates and high commissions. Use ATMs to withdraw money and avoid withdrawing large amounts at once. Consider getting a prepaid credit card. Keep an emergency fund in a different place from where you keep your regular money.

Rent a Car

Rent a Car Consider renting a car for added peace of mind. It's good to be mindful of the weather conditions. This is important to request winter tires or snow chains in advance.

Ensure before you leave that the rented car has no restrictions on leaving certain cities, crossing tolls, or exceeding the kilometer limit. To rent a car, you only need to present a credit card, the printed reservation voucher, an ID, and a driver's license.

Choose a Suitable Car

Opt for a small car that suits you. You can choose any model and check the prices to plan and organize your trip, but always consider practicality and comfort so that you can go anywhere more affordably and without restrictions to reach longer distances.

Turismo en Mendoza

Who wouldn't want to be on vacation right now? The only catch is we're always mindful of our financial situation. But not anymore! In this post, we'll give you tips for budget-friendly vacations.

On average, a "typical" family spends approximately AR$43,000 on vacations, including accommodation, transportation, food, etc. That's a significant amount, which is why the following tips can help you manage your money wisely and have an affordable vacation without giving up those treats. We recommend following these tips: comida, etc. Un número bastante grande, es por eso que los siguientes consejos pueden ayudarte a manejar de forma inteligente el dinero y lograr una vacaciones económicas y sin dejar de lado esos gustos que nos damos. Te recomendamos seguir los siguientes consejos:

Focus on the Two Major Expenses

The two biggest and most common expenses are transportation to the destination and accommodation. Look for flights to find a good deal or find the cheapest way to get to your desired location. If it's nearby, the most economical option is to rent a vehicle. Then, research the type of accommodation you want.

Spend Wisely

Dining at restaurants is one of life's pleasures but also one of the most expensive things, especially in tourist areas. A recommended option is to have accommodation that includes breakfast.

While exploring the city, visit a supermarket where you can find everything you need until you return to your hotel. Make sure it's a place where the locals shop.

Shop Away from Tourist Areas

We all love shopping on vacation, from souvenirs for the family to clothing. Try to avoid tourist areas when shopping. Small stores are the most recommended. For example, go for a box of artisanal tea and avoid the common t-shirts with slogans like "I've been to ...".

Use Your Credit Card

It's inevitable to carry some cash; however, instead of carrying large sums, use your credit card. Sometimes, it's the most cost-effective way to make purchases. If you're buying in a different currency, the extra transaction fee is minimal. It's possible to withdraw money from an ATM for an additional charge.

Rent an Economical Rental Car

Moving around freely without relying on public transportation doesn't have to be a luxury. With over 12 years of experience, MDZ! Rent a Car office provides you with the car you need at the best possible price.

Turismo en Mendoza