Mendoza is an excellent destination to enjoy during the summer as it offers a plethora of attractive places and activities for all kinds of visitors. In this post, we'll show you 4 places to visit in Mendoza.

To start with the city, it has a bustling commercial center surrounded by green spaces, museums, casinos, theaters, cinemas, restaurants, and cafes. You can also visit General San Martín Park or explore the indigenous center, Alameda.

Puente del Inca

This is a must-visit location for tourists. Located in the high mountains, 200 kilometers from the city, this geological formation has been declared a National Monument. Characterized by its 48 meters length, it is suspended over the river and offers magnificent hues that make this attraction unique. From here, you can also enjoy thermal waters and horseback riding in the area.

Provincial Park Aconcagua

Aconcagua Provincial Park is a prime tourist center and attracts mountaineers from around the world who dream of reaching its summit.

San Rafael

It has a wide gastronomic center, casinos, and recreational venues. For the adventurous, it's a hub for extreme sports and adventure activities such as rappelling, rafting, zip-lining, horseback riding, kayaking, fishing, and more.

Wine Route

The route is designed to visit the most renowned wineries in the province and not only enjoy the wonderful landscapes adorned by vineyards but also learn about the wine and sparkling wine production processes.

Mendoza Ciudad desde el Sheraton

Mendoza is an excellent destination to enjoy during the summer as it has countless places, attractions, and activities for all kinds of audiences. That's why we created a new section called "PLACES IN MENDOZA" where we show you some of the must-visit places in Mendoza, such as the Cacheuta Hot Springs. Cacheuta Hot Springs.

Cacheuta Hot Springs

These hot springs are located in a mountainous area near Mendoza's capital, within a beautiful landscape that you can enjoy even before arriving. The pools have temperatures ranging from 25°C to 50°C, and the minerals in the water provide a soothing massage to the body. The warmer pools are located at the top, and as you descend, the water temperature decreases.

The areas are connected with each other through terraced gardens and stone staircases, blending seamlessly with the landscape. Enjoying the hot tubs, sunbathing, and sharing the barbecue area with grills and tables for lunch are all part of a day of relaxation within the hot springs.

You can visit the site by clicking here.

Termas de Cacheuta

Various recreational, cultural, educational, and sporting activities take place in the park throughout the year. Important events are held, such as the National Vendimia Festival at the Teatro Griego Frank Romero Day, the annual Americanto gathering, symphonic concerts on Isla del Lago, international sports events at the Mundialista Islas Malvinas stadium, regattas on the lake, open-air cinema at Rosedal, marathons, bike rides, competitions, and various gatherings. Seven clubs are located within this green space, offering a variety of sports: golf, tennis, rowing, soccer.
Las actividades culturales y recreativas también tienen su espacio en un importante museo, el de Ciencias Naturales y Antropológicas ubicado en el antiguo edificio de "Playas Serranas" con importantes muestras arqueológicas paleontológicas y de minerales, visitado a diario por numerosos escolares y turistas.


During the weekend, the Sports Directorate organizes free activities at the roundabout near Rosedal. These activities attract hundreds of people who combine a healthy lifestyle with the pure environment of the park.


  • 10:00 hs Healthy Walks
  • 16:00 hs Aerobics
  • 17:00 hs Aerobox
  • 17:30 hs Salsa


  • 9:00 hs Yoga
  • 10:10 hs Nutrition and Health Workshops
  • 10:00 hs Aerobics
  • 10:00 hs to 11:30 hs Healthy Walks
  • 11:30 hs Aerobics

If you're in Mendoza and want to explore this beautiful place, be sure to rent a car! Check out our fleet at the following link:

Correr en el parque

Very close to the City of Mendoza is the Wine Museum located on the premises of Bodega La Rural.

If you want to rent a car to explore Mendoza , click here.
This winery was founded in the 19th century, precisely in the year 1885 by Don Felipe Rutini. This testimony from the era when the Argentine wine industry was born brings together tools, utensils, and instruments related to viticulture in Mendoza. In this museum, we can find around 4,500 original pieces, including wine presses, cooper's tools, oak vessels, presses, books, pumps, grinders, and other items. It has a Wine Bar where you can taste the wines produced in the winery.

The visiting hours for the Wine Museum are from Monday to Saturday and on holidays, from 09:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 17:00.

Source: Content from Travel Diary. Very close to the City of Mendoza is the Wine Museum located on the premises of Bodega La Rural.

Museo del Vino en Mendoza Maipu

The City of San Rafael

If you want to rent a car to explore Mendoza , click here.

Located 232 kilometers south of the provincial capital, and blessed with a climate that favors it with 300 sunny days a year, the city of San Rafael showcases a catalog of landscapes that are missing very few of the expressions that nature has managed to materialize in the world: mountains, rivers, lakes, oases, varied vegetation, and even desert spaces extend within its boundaries.

Atuel Canyon Circuit

Este circuito está formado por Valle Grande, el Cañón del Atuel y la Villa Turística El Nihuil. En Valle Grande, gracias a un inmenso espejo de agua verde esmeralda, la excursión se hace “aventura” con la práctica de la natación, buceo, esquí, remo, moto-náutica, paseo en catamarán, windsurf, pesca deportiva, safaris fotográficos, etc... En el Cañón del Atuel la erosión producida por el accionar del viento y el agua ha modelado las rocas dándole formas que nos permiten sorprendernos paso a paso. En este Cañón, la naturaleza formó verdaderas esculturas naturales como el Museo de Cera, el Sillón de Rivadavia, el Lagarto, los Viejos, los Monstruos, la Ciudad Encantada, el Mendigo, Los Jardines Colgantes, los Monjes... Además el Cañón tiene dos lagos artificiales, Aisol y Tierras Blancas, que contribuyen a la belleza de este lugar. Emergiendo del Cañón a través de una sinuosa cuesta se descubre la inmensidad del lago que conforma el dique El Nihuil, lugar ideal para los deportes náuticos. Cuando los amantes de windsurf despliegan sus velas multicolores, se ve un espectáculo increíble de colorido sin igual. Sobre la margen derecha se levanta la Villa El Nihuil. Además, el dique El Nihuil permite al pescador practicar su deporte favorito. Para regresar a San Rafael se utiliza la ruta provincial 180 empalmando la ruta nacional 144, pasando por Cuesta de Los Terneros, localidad de Cuadro Benegas e ingresando a la Ciudad por avenida Balloffet.

Diamond Canyon Circuit

Just 25 km from the City of San Rafael is Villa 25 de Mayo, considered a true inhabited museum, with adobe houses and streets flanked by centuries-old trees. The Nuestra Señora del Carmen Church, located at the corner of Gobernador Ortega and Chacabuco, declared a National Historic Monument, still preserves the first images and clothing from that era. You can also visit the Narciso Sosa Morales Museum. The Diamante River originates in the Andes Mountains in the homonymous lagoon, and its waters have also been harnessed for hydroelectric production. Galileo Vitale is the first structure built on the Diamante River to harness its waters for artificial irrigation and distribution through a complex system of gates in concrete canals. It is located just 27 km from the City and offers a magnificent landscape with groves. El Tigre, a compensatory dam whose water content is replenished by pumping to Lake Los Reyunos, was built just 33 km from downtown San Rafael. The Agua del Toro Dam is located 84 kilometers from San Rafael, in the so-called Pampa Amarilla, at 1,300 meters above sea level. In its 1,050-hectare water mirror, it is possible to fish and practice water sports such as windsurfing, diving, jet skiing, rowing, and sailing.

High Mountain Circuit

Empieza en la Sierra Pintada, serranía multicolor ubicada a 33 kilómetros de San Rafael. Luego, en dirección sur, se inicia la Cuesta de los Terneros que alcanza una altura máxima de 1000 metros sobre el nivel del mar. En su cumbre, existe una ventana natural que muestra el Oasis San Rafael. Después de la cumbre, se toma el camino a El Sosneado, que se encuentra a 142 kilómetros de San Rafael y que posee una naturaleza agreste que ofrece la práctica de andinismo, moutain bike, trekking... Mediante un camino consolidado que bordea el río Atuel, se accede a la laguna El Sosneado, apta para la pesca y el buceo, a la Cueva del Indio, testigo de nuestras culturas anteriores y las ruinas del otrora famoso Hotel Termal El Sosneado, con piletas con aguas termales al aire libre, que aún conservan sus propiedades curativas. Este circuito es operable de noviembre a marzo. En plena Cordillera de los Andes, se levanta el Volcán Overo (volcán inactivo) con su cima coronada de glaciares eternos. Su altura de 4.629 metros permite el andinismo superior.

Vacaciones en Mendoza